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Wellness Wednesday: Jumping On The Celery Juice Train!

Updated: Apr 30, 2022


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Have you jumped on the celery juice train yet!? Lately, it seems that my social media feeds are covered with people trying this new cleansing morning routine.I received the book titled, "Medical Medium Life-Saving Foods" By Anthony William, as a gift and I have had my nose stuck between the covers every day trying new remedies to heal my body naturally. Having just bought an Omega Juicer, my husband and I had to give this new craze a try! Each morning we begin the day with 16 oz of fresh celery juice on an empty stomach. Drinking it right away helps to increase hydrochloric acid levels more efficiently. Having the proper acid levels in the stomach aids in healthy digestion, bloating, and many more gastrointestinal problems. Celery juice is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods. It aids in kidney function, liver detoxification, the skins appearance, and even onto emotional support. For best results, start with plain celery juice in the mornings rather than incorporating it into your typical green juice recipes. Save that mixture for the afternoon and be sure to load it with celery as well!

FUN FACT: Did you know that celery is actually

an herb, not a vegetable? Because I didn't!

Turns out that this powerful herb can alkalize your gut and support healthy bacteria levels while starving unproductive bacteria and detoxifying viruses from the body. Since starting this new remedy each morning, we have noticed a big difference in how our bodies function. I can feel the cleansing properties within my body and I can see a difference in my skins appearance and health. I have also noticed a decline in my coffee absorption since beginning this new regimen. My energy levels feel much higher after detoxing from all the the fatiguing "junk" that was hanging out in my system.

I get a kick out of people's reactions when the see me in the produce section. We grocery shop once a week at our local Sprouts Farmers Market and most people will reach for 1-2 bundles of celery for their cart, whereas I stand there for several minutes basically emptying their entire supply! I have been stopped quite a few times from those wondering what in the world I was doing with so much celery each week! Once I start to begin explaining, they usually head back to the celery section to grab more! I figured that I had better share this awesome remedy with all of you, in case you have exhausted all other remedies without results. I know how frustrating it can be to find what works, but in my household, I believe we have found the answer!

For a 16 oz glass, it takes about 1 bundle of celery stalks. The more foliage at the top of the stalks the better! For my other green juices throughout the day I begin with celery, add in fresh cilantro, which aids in heavy metal detoxification, then top with kale, green apple, and lemon. Having a second juice with celery with will help to maximize its benefits. Life-changing Foods is packed with all kinds of fruits and veggies and lists the benefits and recipes to include each one! I have seen a few other selections by Anthony William that focus more on one piece of the puzzle, Like the liver and thyroid, but I have yet to get my hands on copies of those titles yet. I am a strong believer in healing the body naturally through foods whenever possible. I still believe in certain western medicines and techniques, however your diet is where the healing process must start. Follow the link above to get yourself a copy of Medical Medium Life-changing Foods and begin your healing journey with us!





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