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Wellness Wednesday: Face Wash Sticks!

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

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Changes in the season mean changes in the skin!


This week I will be sharing two of my favorite face wash recipes! Allergy season has my skin in shambles and I felt the need for some extra cleansing! I love these face washes because not only are they packed with healing ingredients for the skin, they are also packed into a tube to make for quick and easy washes!

I had ordered two different deodorant tubes for my Detoxifying Deodorant, and I ended up choosing Round Tubes for that recipe which left me with a few dozen Traditional Deodorant Tubes. I had been playing around with different face wash bars and a friend of mine suggested trying to pour the recipes into the extra tubes. About 30 minutes later I had poured a test batch and it was a success! I love that I don't have to actually touch my face and I can store mine in the shower without it melting all over the place!

The first recipe is a deep cleansing mixture of Green Clay, Coconut Oil, and Poppyseeds which act as a natural exfoliant. The clay in this recipe makes it a bit of a cross between a face wash and a face mask. I store mine in the shower and gently scrub in circular motions. I let the clay sit on my skin for a minute or two before rinsing and my pores are left feeling cleansed and tight! Coconut Oil leaves the skin super moisturized and glowing, and I also love to add a blend of both lavender and tea tree essential oils. Lavender heals any blemishes on the skin and tea tree acts as an astringent. I recommend using this recipe once every few days as a deep cleansing solution. If you begin to notice irritation, reduce use to once a week or so.

The next recipe is a more soothing mixture, for sensitive and irritated skin. I begin with a gentle honey soap base and add in ground oatmeal, vitamin E, and a healing essential oil blend of frankincense and lavender. Frankincense helps to heal discoloration and scarring of the skin and lavender helps to calm irritation and redness. This is more of a daily use option between the two. Find the recipes and links to ingredients below!


Deep Cleansing Face Wash Stick

Melt goats milk soap base and coconut oil over a double boiler. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients. Pour into tubes and allow to cool. Seal with lids and enjoy!

Calming Face Wash Stick

Melt Honey soap base and coconut oil over double boiler. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients. I use a small coffee grinder to grind the oatmeal in this recipe. Pour into tubes and allow to cool. Seal with lids and enjoy!


That wraps it up for this week! Check back next week for more all natural tips and tricks from the Om Zone Blog!

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